X | The Theme


Stacks – X includes multiple unique designs inside of one powerful WordPress theme, and we refer to these designs as “Stacks.” There are currently four Stacks available in X. It’s like buying one theme and constantly getting access to new designs all the time! We have created multiple unique demos so be sure to check them all out.

  • Stack selection (IntegrityRenewIcon, or Ethos)
  • Site layout (fullwidth or boxed)
  • Site max-width (in pixels)
  • Site width (in percentage)
  • Content layout (content left – sidebar rightsidebar left – content right, or fullwidth)
  • Background colorpatternimage, and image fade
  • Countless Stack-specific options
  • Enable custom fonts and their subsets if desired
  • Logo fontcolorsizeweightletter spacing, and choose to enable uppercase styling
  • Navbar link color, link color hoversizeweight, and choose to enable uppercase styling
  • Headings fontcolorweightletter spacing, and choose to enable uppercase styling
  • Body fontcolorsize (base and content area), and weight
  • Link color and link color hover
  • Button style (3Dflat, or transparent)
  • Button shape (squarerounded, or pill)
  • Button size (minismallregularlargeextra large, or jumbo)
  • Button font colorbackground color, and border color (and set values for the hover as well)
  • Header position (static topfixed topfixed left, or fixed right)
  • Logo and navigation layout (inline or stacked)
  • Enable or disable Navbar Search
  • Navbar top height (in pixels)
  • Navbar side width (in pixels)
  • Logo upload
  • Make logo retina ready
  • Navbar top and side logo alignment (in pixels)
  • Navbar top and side link alignment (in pixels)
  • Mobile navbar button alignment (in pixels)
  • Mobile navbar button size (in pixels)
  • Header widget areas (onetwothree, or four)
  • Header widget area button color
  • Header widget area button color hover
  • Enable or disable topbar
  • Topbar content for taglinescontact information, or secondary navigation (accepts HTML input)
  • Enable or disable breadcrumbs
  • Enable or disable top footer area)
  • Footer widget areas (onetwothree, or four)
  • Enable or disable bottom footerfooter menufooter social menu, and footer content area
  • Bottom footer content (accepts HTML input)
  • Enable or disable the Scroll Top Anchor, allowing your users to return to the top of your site with the click of a mouse
  • Update blog style (standard or masonry)
  • Update blog layout
  • Update archive style (standard or masonry)
  • Update archive layout
  • Enable or disable post meta
  • Enable the excerpt or full post content on your index page
  • Custom URL slug for your portoflio items
  • Enable cropped featured images
  • Enable or disable portfolio item meta
  • Custom portfolio tag list title
  • Custom portfolio project title
  • Custom portfolio project button text
  • Enable or disable social sharing links on portfolio items
  • Manage and preview your bbPress setup
  • Update bbPress layout
  • Enable or disable bbPress Navbar Menu
  • Manage and preview your BuddyPress setup
  • Update BuddyPress layout
  • Enable or disable BuddyPress Navbar Menu
  • Custom BuddyPress component titles
  • Custom BuddyPress component subtitles (in applicable Stacks)
  • Manage and preview your WooCommerce shop
  • Update shop layout
  • Select product columns
  • Posts per page for the shop
  • Enable or disable various product tabs with ease
  • Enable or disable Related Products and alter their appearance (post count, columns, et cetera)
  • Enable or disable Upsells and alter their appearance (post count, columns, et cetera)
  • Enable or disable Cross Sells and alter their appearance (post count, columns, et cetera)
  • Adjust WooCommerce widget image alignment
  • Profiles for FacebookTwitterGoogle+LinkedInFoursquareYouTubeVimeoInstagramPinterestDribbbleBehanceTumblr, and RSS
  • Site icons (favicontouch icontile icon, and tile icon background color)
  • Input custom CSS right in the Theme Customizer
  • Input custom JavaScript right in the Theme Customizer
  • Manage all of your widgetized areas right in the Theme Customizer
  • And so much more!

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