SocialV 5.0 – Vue 3, React Js, HTML Social Network & Community Bootstrap 5 Admin Template 5.1.4


SocialV is a minimal,clean and modern Social Network and Community dashboard template with ready to use pages. With many more upcoming pre-builts, SocialV’s harmonious design and super clean looks will make your site look beautiful and elegant. This template works seamlessly on all major web browsers, tablets, and phones.

Dashboard Demos

  • Login Page dashboard
  • Newsfeed dashboard
  • Profile page dashboard
  • Friends List
  • Friends Profile
  • Group
  • Group details
  • Profile Image
  • Profile Video
  • Profile Evenets
  • Profile Badges
  • Profile Forum
  • Notification
  • Files
  • Friend Request
  • Chat
  • To-do
  • Calendar
  • Birthday
  • Weather
  • Music
  • Blog Grid
  • Blog List
  • Blog Detail
  • Store Category Grid
  • Store Category List
  • Store
  • Store Checkout

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