Refund Policy

Refund Policy

We consider a refund within 10 days of purchase on a case-by-case basis and do not offer unconditional refunds. Due to the increasing of frauds in the industry (purchasing a product and then requesting a refund to get the product for free), we only grant a refunds in certain specific cases.

The products we provide are digital downloads, and we cannot limit their usage after downloading. Therefore, a refund will only be considered within 10 days after the purchase date.

Approved refund under the refund policy will be reimbursed with 7-10 business working days.

However, you must first contact our technical support. We always try our best to solve such issues for our customers and we will surely issue a refund if we can not help the customer to solve them.

The refund WILL be granted if:

  • The product was completely unusable or the product has license restrictions that make the product unusable and our support team could not help you
  • You have contacted the support service, but have not received support in accordance with the Support Policy

The refund will NOT be granted if:

  • You have not contacted our support team on the website and just ask for a refund after purchase
  • You have not provided sufficient proof that the product does not work and refuse to cooperate with our support team
  • You made a mistake and downloaded not what you needed or you simply change your mind
  • You no longer need the product after you’ve downloaded it for example because you bought the product by mistake or you bought the official version from the developer
  • You do not have sufficient expertise to use the product. You have not carefully read the documentation from the developer and can not install or configure the downloaded product correctly
  • Product is not compatible with your web server or other environment
  • The product did not meet your expectations. You should review the selling page and ask questions to clear any confusion before purchase
  • The product displays a message that you need to enter your license key or activate it to receive automatic updates, and there are no any other license restrictions
  • You broke your site during product installation or lost data
  • You do not plan to use the service in the future and/or you want to convert points balance into money
  • It has been 10 days of refund period after purchase

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