Abacus – Manufacture & Sale CRM with POS


Abacus – Manufacture & Sale CRM with POS


  • Powerful Dashboard
  • Multiple Effective Widgets
  • Purchase & Sale Graph
  • Income & Expense Graph
  • Income, Expense & Balance Counter
  • Purchase Event Calendar With Link
  • Sale/Delivery Event Calendar With Link
  • Income Event Calendar With Link
  • Expense Event Calendar With Link
  • Supplier Profile With Transaction
  • Product With Category, Gross Profit & Cost
  • Manage Purchase & Sale
  • Manage Income & Expense
  • Manage Staff Profile & Wage (Coming Soon)
  • Manage Store and individual sale (Coming Soon)
  • Manage Bank Transaction
  • Manage Damage or Return Products
  • Manage Invoices with Payment (Paypal)
  • Send SMS/Emails individually or Groupwise
  • Manage Assets and Calculate Total Value
  • Manage User’s Role & Their Activites
  • Social Media Login & Register (Facebook, Google)
  • Send Invoice Through Email
  • Powerful Import Module (Coming Soon)
  • Easy Data Export (Print, Copy, PDF, Excel & CSV)
  • Browse Income/Expense By Month & Year
  • Staff Attendance (Coming Soon)

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