HTML5 Shoutcast & Icecast Radio Web Player


Beautiful HTML5 SHOUTcast & Icecast Radio Web Player. Built in HTML/CSS/jQuery, Animated and Mobile Ready.


SHOUTcast & Icecast
Compatible with SHOUTcast DNAS 1/2 & Icecast 2.

Native Browser Code
Built in pure HTML5, CSS, jQuery. No Server-side script needed.

HTTPS support
Works over ssl (https) websites.

Fast Data Gathering
Direct requests to Server via JSON. Fast and automatic update.

Responsive Design
Will fit to it’s parent div and adapt to mobile screens.

Album Artwork
iTunes API is used to retrieve all the album artwork. Also you can set an static image instead.

Song History
Display the last songs played on your radio station.

Scrolling songtitle effect and album cover animation!

Smart Volume
Volume slider on desktop and mute/unmute button on mobile.

Current Listeners
Show your current listeners, stream quality, genre, etc…

Mobile Ready
Tested and optimized for most mobile devices.

Multiple Instances
Play more than one stream on the same page.

Social Share
Share your Radio on Facebook, Twitter & Google Plus.

Support & Updates
100% Guaranteed support. Updates and improvements in the future