Multi Hospital – Hospital SaaS App + Mobile Applications 28 November 2023


Multi Hospital SaaS Software where you can sell software subscriptions to the hospitals.

New Features For Super Admin

  1. Auto Appointment Reminder By Email
  2. Flutter Mobile Applications Source Code For Doctor And Patient.
  3. New super admin dashboard
  4. Online payment for Hospital subscription
  5. Multiple Super Admin login
  6. New frontend
  7. SMTP email
  8. Advanced Hospital and Subscription Reporting
  9. chat for frontend users
  10. Payroll module
  11. Attendance module
  12. Leave Management
  13. Internal Chat
  14. SMTP Email
  15. New SMS Gateway 80kobo
  16. Package upgrade and renewal through payment gateway
  17. File Manager for Admin and other Staffs with permission control
  18. Paystack Payment gateway
  19. Jitsi meet video conference gateway.
  20. Stripe payment Gateway
  21. Twilio sms Gateway
  22. Table responsiveness in all device
  23. Server side tables for Appointment, Prescription and some other tables
  24. Auto Email and SMS template
  25. Prescription re-design.
  26. Popup patient history on click calendar appointments
  27. CodeIgniter 3.1.10
  28. Fontawesome 5 and many more.
  29. Telemedicine

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