Pandao CMS Pro 5 – Fully Responsive Content Management System


Pandao CMS is a professional and complete Content Managment System which contains an ergonomic admin panel which allows you to manage easily the content of your website coupled with an easily customizable template.


  • Quick install in 5 minutes only! (quick installation wizard, no skill required)
  • Portable: localhost, root, subdirectory, subdomain or not… Wherever you like!
  • Fully responsive design (front office and back office)
  • Easy to customize (manage your own templates and models)
  • User friendly
  • Inuitive admin panel
  • Multiple users
  • Create easily pages, subpages, articles and choose your layout
  • Powerful Ajax file manager (videos, images, documents)
  • Enable/Disable comments on the articles
  • Create and customize widgets
  • Powerfull search engine
  • Multi-language (add new languages and manage your translations)
  • Ready for “right to left” languages (arabic, hebrew)
  • SEO ready (clean URL, structured datas, respect for the principles of Google…)
  • High performance level (page speed optimization)
  • Powerfull security (CSRF, XSS, SQL Injection)
  • Customizable and scalable back office
  • Light weight
  • Icons font (Font Awesome)
  • Google Maps API V3
  • Helpful documentation


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