RideShare Car Pooling App


RideShare is a Customizable design template for share car journeys. It’s a flexible template build with Android native technology that provides easy customization and optimum design for more user-friendly and interactive environment which make the app even easier to use.


  • Passenger and Driver both can register from App
  • Driver profile will be approved by admin
  • Number verification using OTP
  • Passengers can see list of shared rides by Drivers
  • Passengers can request for ride
  • Passengers can track ride
  • Passengers can cancel ride
  • History is created for all trips
  • Simiralry Drivers can share a ride with trip information, seats available, cost
  • Drivers can receive requests from Passengers
  • Drivers can edit/delete shared rides
  • History is created for all trips
  • Real time Notification embedded

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