Save the city (Complete Unity Game+Unity ads)


This is a complete Unity game Save the city developed in the unity game engine, Unity 2020.3.11f1, 53 levels to play, with an easy way to add more levels using a level editor(based on low-resolution images to prefabs).

Your mission is to protect cities from drowning, by drawing obstacles like a water protection system for cities with a specific number of lines points you can use each level, then click on the water button to get the water off, to see if you’ve designed a good system or not, If all the water comes down and the city doesn’t sink, you win, let us see what you are capable of.

Features :

. Unity Ads Integration (Banner and Interstitial, rewarded video).

. +50 levels.

. easy way to add/customize levels.

. Cool UI Effects.

. Full documentation.

. Compatible with mobile and desktop.

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