StarsTell: Horoscope & Astrology – Full iOS Application


Discover what the future holds for you. Get an insight on what to expect for love, work, wellbeing and good fortune for today, tomorrow, the week or for the whole month. Follow your zodiac sign and observe horoscopes of friends and loved ones’.

Detailed astrological predictions available for all signs of the zodiac: Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces.

Inside you will get a personal astrologer and all-in-one guide of all you want to know about yourself.


  • Weekly subscription with a 3-day free period & monthly offer subscription with a 50% discount
  • Fully step by step illustrated documentation
  • 100% ready to publish on AppStore
  • Incredible easy to re-skin
  • Beautiful and professional looking design
  • OneSignal Push Notifications
  • Google Firebase application analytics
  • Nice and minimal iOS design
  • List of cool resources to use
  • Super lightweight application

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