Timesheets and Leave Management module for Perfex CRM 1.2.0


Timesheets & Leave Management module is a complete online time and attendance solution for employee time tracking, project time tracking, leave management and shift planning.

Module Features

  1. Attendance Management
  2. Check-In/Check-Out:
    • Check-in/out Manually
    • Project/Task Timesheets
    • Geographical Location
    • Work Routes
    • Data File With Check In/Out Time
    • API Integration
  3. Leave Management
  4. Overtime Management
  5. Shift Categories Management
  6. Shift Management
  7. Work Shift Management
  8. Leave Calendar Views
  9. Workplace Management
  10. Work Routes:
    • Route Point Management
    • Route Planner
    • Route Maps
  11. Reports:
    • Annual Leave
    • Attendance
    • Leave Application
    • Check In/Out History
    • Check-In/Out Progress
    • Check In/Out Progress According To The Route
  12. Charts:
    • Working Hours Statistics
    • Leave By Type
    • Leave By Department
    • Ratio Of Check In/Out By Workplace
  13. Settings:
    • Norms of Leave Management
    • Holidays Management
    • Approval Process Management
    • Timesheet Settings
    • General Settings
    • Leave Types Management
    • Permissions Management
    • IP Whitelist Management
    • API Integration

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