VueJS digital marketing template using Nuxt JS – Pringo


Pringo – Digital Marketing Vue JS Template is a striking, feature-rich, and business-driven digital marketing website template that allows you to hammer out a sophisticated website for your digital agency. It is a remarkable Vue JS tool with a horde of treats that will do you exceptionally well. This amazing Vue JS-powered web designing tool is suitable to work with digital marketing agencies that are in heavy need of neat and tidy webspace.

  • Build with latest Vue
  • Build with latest Nuxt
  • No jQuery Dependency
  • Used Swiper Slider
  • 01+ Home Variations
  • Blog pages
  • case details page
  • Google Map
  • Sass Compatible
  • Fully Responsive Design
  • Clean Code
  • Icofont Icons
  • Speed Optimized
  • SEO Friendly
  • Cross Browser Support
  • Well Documented
  • No console error
  • Free Updates

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